"Willard Brook" by Chris Porter. Reprinted by permission of the artist. All rights reserved.
Photographs by Chris Porter
May 4 - June 29, 2013
Opening Reception
Sunday, May 5, 11:45 am - 1:30 pm
Gallery Hours
Monday-Thursday, 10 am - 3 pm
Artist's Statement
As an avid hiker and outdoorsperson, most of my subject matter involves the natural world. I have progressed from traditional landscapes to an increasing focus on abstract elements such as rock, wood, and especially water. I am fascinated by the patterns found in nature and the power that these patterns can take when isolated. This exhibit focuses largely on my older, more traditional work, including landscapes from my travels in the American West and elsewhere. It also provides a glimpse into new directions that I am taking; in particular, applying the technique of inversion to transform nature’s patterns into surprising and very different images.
—Chris Porter
Email the artist
Artist's website
Also read Chris's history and detailed description of the exhibit (PDF).