Now showing:
Images of India
by Chris Pollari
May 6 - August 29, 2010

“Taj Mahal Through a Fountain,” 24” x 36”. Reprinted by permission of Chris Pollari. All rights reserved.
Gallery Hours
Mon - Thurs, 10 A.M. - 4 P.M.
and by appointment (call 781.646.0363)
Opening Reception
Sunday, May 23, 2010
2 P.M.
About the Artist
Chris Pollari and Ann Ferentz lived in Bangalore in southern India for seven weeks in 2009. While Ann worked with ambitious and hard-working upwardly-mobile young professionals in an out-sourcing company, Chris walked the streets and made friends from street sweepers to real estate magnates. Some of his new friends spoke English, but many did not. The universal language of smiles and hand gestures worked wonders.
This approach influences the way that Chris photographs people. He establishes relationships with his subjects whenever possible and hopes that this comes through in his portrait photography.
Chris adds, “India is justifiably known for its beautiful palaces, temples and tombs, but it is the people of India who remain in the mind long after the trip is over.”
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