Using the "UniLu Remembers" Blog
UniLu Remembers is an interactive website that allows members of the UniLu community to share memories of, and send condolences to the families of, people who have died. To use it:
- Go to the "UniLu Remembers" blog at (Clicking on the link will open the blog in a new window or tab of your web browser.)
- Find the post you would like to contribute to, and click on the word "comments" at the bottom of the post.
- The "Post a Comment" form appears at the bottom of the screen. Enter your comment in the text box.
- Next to the words "Comment as:" is a drop-down menu. This menu determines how your name will appear at the top of your post.
- If you have one of the following accounts:
- Google (including Gmail)
- LiveJournal
- WordPress
- TypePad
- OpenID
select it from the drop-down menu. You will be prompted to log in and/or provide your credentials to that account. The UniLu Remembers blog will then display the name or ID associated with that account above your post.
If you do not have one of the accounts above, but would like your name to be displayed with your post, choose Name/URL. When prompted, fill in your name and, if you wish, the URL of your blog or website. The URL is not required, but if you provide one, your name will link to it.
- If you prefer not to display your name above your comment, choose Anonymous.
- If you have one of the following accounts:
Next, you will see a screen titled "Word verification." Type the letters that you see in the picture into the text box, and then click Finish. (This exercise tells the blog that you are a person making a comment, rather than a computer program entering spam.)
If you cannot see the letters in the picture well enough to complete the exercise, click on the handicapped access symbol. You will be given another word to decipher. If unable to complete that, click the handicapped symbol again, and you will hear the audio equivalent of the exercise: a voice reading a series of numbers against background noise. Type the numbers you hear into the text box and click Finish.
- Congratulations; you are finished! Your comment will appear online.
If you have any questions about using "UniLu Remembers," or would like to have your comment posted for you, please contact our webmaster.
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